– Skills Tutor Login for Students

Skills Tutor is an online tutoring program where students can receive additional instruction in 4 academic competencies which are Reading, Writing, Language, and Math.  Students can access the site at ( by simply entering in their User Name, Password, and Site information.  The site is accessible from any computer or mobile device 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

When logged in students are able to view the core competencies they are signed up for (math, reading, writing, language) and the various exercises that are available to them.  There will be a list of exercises to choose from in order for students to select and begin.  The student’s progress for each exercise is monitored by an easy-to-use management system that assigns grades for each completed assignment.

Students will receive a score for all questions they answered right so it is important for all exercises to be fully completed.  After receiving the score a student can elect to repeat the exercises to improve their score and get a better grasp of the subject material.

Assignments that are not completed can be picked back up where you last left off with the assignment.  When you see that particular assignment on your display screen it will indicate in a percentage amount how much of the assignment you’ve already done so you’ll have a general idea of how much you have left to finish.

Skills Tutor is a very useful learning tool that partners up with classroom learning providing online instruction for students to utilize at their convenience.  Students can access their online account at ( anytime of the day.  Students of all types and ages are benefitting from Skills Tutor as a viable resource especially considering all of the available learning material meets state course standards.  There are learning modules available for K-12, GED, Adult Education, Workforce Skills, etc.

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