Dishkin v. Tire Kingdom Inc Class Action Settlement

A class action lawsuit filed against the TBC Retail Group (Tire Kingdom) has reached a settlement in which Class Member’s are eligible for a payment.  The settlement when approved will payout to Class Member’s a check of $1.75 or a $15 discount redeemable at any Tire Kingdom in Florida.

The basis of the Dishkin v. Tire Kingdom Inc. Class Action Settlement is Tire Kingdom improperly charged a shop fee in connection with certain transactions between March 23, 2003 and March 23, 2014.  Florida residents who were customers of Tire Kingdom during that time period possibly paid a shop fee that was not disclosed in the Tire Kingdom advertisement.

The lawsuit also includes individuals who paid a shop fee that was based on percentage of the retail price for the transaction rather than the discount or charged price for the transaction.  The lawsuit also extends between February 5, 2005 and March 23, 2014 for individuals who paid a shop fee that was based on the charge for the purchased part of product.

If you are a Class Member and want to receive a $1.75 check or $15 discount card an election must be made prior to September 4, 2014.  The $1.75 check will be mailed out while the $15 discount card will be redeemed at a Tire Kingdom location.  An election form to make your decision can be found HERE.



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